Author: brandon keatley

  • In Defense of Starch: How Carbs Can Fit Into a Paleo Diet

    In Defense of Starch: How Carbs Can Fit Into a Paleo Diet

      Photo by Christian Guthier via Thanks again to all that have reviewed the book. We’ve mentioned it before but we are truly grateful. It is a terrifying thing to hope that people “get” what you have done and provide a place for them to leave an indelible, public critique of your pride and joy. But…

  • How to Spot an A-hole

    How to Spot an A-hole

    If only it were that easy. Spotting an A-hole on the internet can be tougher than you think. Part of their talent can be making you feel like you’re the jerk for feeling the way you do.  It’s a no brainer when the insults are direct and overt but that’s not always the case.  Today…

  • CrossFit: Fit Happens

    CrossFit: Fit Happens

    *If you already do CrossFit I’d love it if you left a comment here on your experience/what you love about it for those who may read this and like as many opinions as they can get…thanks. Clearly, exercise and nutrition go hand in hand for many health minded individuals. We always say that nutrition is…

  • The ButterQueen Effect

    The ButterQueen Effect

        The world is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. Paula Deen has type 2 diabetes caused by her beloved fatty food. Anything else is simply heresy. And yet, here we are…bombarded with media scrutiny at Paula Deen’s expense to make a good headline…under assumptions that are as unfounded as the other…

  • How You See It

    How You See It

    The very same day we posted Scarlet Letter last week…a reproval of treats was posted elsewhere. It was presented in an analogy that goes like this (my interpretation). “Paleo” treat : the “real” thing AS having sex with your pants on : having sex with your pants off I actually agree with this statement…but for…

  • Scarlet Letter

    Scarlet Letter

    “Cheating” We hear this a good bit in reference to diet. “I was doing well but I’ve been cheating a lot lately.” I get it…we all feel a twinge of remorse when we make a choice that we know isn’t the greatest…it’s only human. I have a feeling a lot of those reading this are…

  • Light A Fire – HB 3.0

    Light A Fire – HB 3.0

    This is Health-Bent 3.0. We have finally gotten settled into our new home and are ready to get back to business. Meg has been hard at work creating this design and we’re very excited about it. There are probably still some kinks to work out but all in all - things should be working. Check out our new visual…

  • The Food Pyramid is Dead That’s right…deceased. It has died at the young age of 19 years. Cause of death…ruled: overcomplication. Seems that the problem with our governments’ dietary recommendations are that we “the people” couldn’t understand them. All along I thought the problem was that the recommendations were just wrong…turns out it’s that we are too dull to…

  • Health-Bent Headquarters

    Health-Bent Headquarters has relocated. If you’ve looked at our last few posts or followed our Facebook page at all you may already be aware. And what started as “we’ll get new appliances” turned into “let’s gut the entire kitchen and start over.” The good news is that (eventually) we’ll have a kitchen that is very…

  • Treat Yourself Right

    Treat Yourself Right

    To Treat or not to Treat, that is the question. It’s the new year. Here’s our perspective on how to Treat Yourself Right in 2011. Maybe cutting out any and all treats shouldn’t be a resolution? We advocate using your own brain to determine if a treat is a judicious choice for you. This post…

  • One Side of De-fence or the Other

    We’re not the kind of people who feel that pushing our views on anyone is the right thing to do. We don’t want it done to us and therefore do our best to refrain. It’s nice to think that maybe if we offer our point of view in it might help someone else, but are…