Cheap, Easy & Fast Green Salad


Warning. Turn back if offended by the use of some parmesan cheese as a way to make green things taste better.

Read more about how dairy fits into a paleo-friendly lifestyle here:

The CrossFit Journal posted a supposedly “kid-friendly” recipe for steamed kale. Here ya go:

You can just scroll to around 4:20 and watch the young lady on the right. She doesn’t say anything about what she thinks, she lets her face do all the talking. Poor thing. I couldn’t help but giggle. I don’t think she’ll be asking for seconds.

Maybe this recipe isn’t kid-friendly either. I didn’t feed it any, so I don’t really know. But as someone who will only eat vegetables when they’re drowning in bacon fat or a derivative there of, and as someone who’s really just a child trapped inside a 28 year old’s body, it gets my stamp of approval.


  • 1 large bag of pre-cut kale (some stores sell this in 1 lb packages, some in 12 ounce, doesn’t really matter)
  • couple tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • couple handfuls of pre-grated parmesan cheese (feta works well too)
  • couple pinches of red pepper flakes
  • salt, to taste


Pick through the bag of kale; removing any stem pieces and tearing any large leaves into tiny, more manageable pieces. Place the torn leaves in a large bowl.

Drizzle in a bit of olive oil–just enough to get all the leaves coated (doesn’t take much). Use your hands to massage the oil into the leaves. Once you notice the kale’s volume diminish by about a third, you’re done. Now add in the lemon juice, salt, red pepper flakes and parm. Toss to combine. Taste and adjust however you’d like.

Pop in the fridge to chill and serve cold.


10 responses to “Cheap, Easy & Fast Green Salad”

  1. Mmmm, I’m think I’m going to have to try this! I make myself try Kale about every two years and never have grown attached. Perhaps CHEESE is the key!

  2. Personally I think that to put cheese inside a salad it’s not a good idea because the freshness and lightness of the salad is burdened by inconsistent fat. This habit used in sonme italian restaurants for the parmesan and some others with feta it’s really not a good idea.

  3. Would Nutrional Yeast be an “ok” sub for the parma?….Loving this…but dairy + me is a no- go…alas!

  4. Can’t wait to try this!! Yumm.

  5. mmm, I love Kale and always look out for new ways to cook it. Well, cheese may be objectionable, but will certainly enhance the taste…I’d try this

  6. Made this for lunch and it was delicious. This is the first Kale Salad I’ve tried. I usually have it cooked in soup or eggs. Half way though I felt like it needed something so I threw in some pine nuts. Yum! I’ll make this again and again. Thanks!

  7. This is the exact salad I make as well! It’s a favorite at our house. Great minds think alike! 😉

  8. Jane Goncalves

    I am addicted to this salad. Everyone at work used to call me a bunny because I ate so much Kale. I first saw this recipe on 101 Cookbooks but they add rustic bread croutons. Obviously I eliminated that but the recipe did call for a crushed garlic clove which makes it very yummy, but not so popular at the 2:00 staff meeting. I try to use fresh lemon juice as much as possible because it makes a difference.

    I find myself craving this salad all the time and it’s so simple!

  9. I’ve found that garlic and onion work really well to give kale a scrumptious flavor and I can get way with skipping the Parmesan.

    Although when I make dried or crispy kale I haven’t been able to find a good substitute for Parmesan yet. Somehow it just doesn’t work without the Parmesan. Oh well, give a little, get a little 🙂

  10. Massaging kale is the way to go! I’ve done something similar but not with cheese. I can’t wait to take it to the next level. Thank you.

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