Light A Fire – HB 3.0

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This is Health-Bent 3.0.

We have finally gotten settled into our new home and are ready to get back to business. Meg has been hard at work creating this design and we’re very excited about it. There are probably still some kinks to work out but all in all - things should be working. Check out our new visual “Recipe” menu in the navigation bar.

With this new design we are going to bring back the t-shirts and we have other aspirations we hope will materialize in the near future.

We want to thank everyone that supports and follows us. We don’t know exactly where we are headed but we do know that we are going to continue to provide recipes that we love (for free) in hopes that you’ll love them too.

We won’t just post any marginal recipe…only the home runs…as subjective as that may be. We want you to be able to trust that if you see a recipe here  it means Meg and I fought over the leftovers (if there were any).

We know that this lifestyle of eating fresh and healthy (and grain free) can really be a pain in the a$$ sometimes.

The new theme is all about the dedication and fortitude it takes to not settle for less.

Stay Health-Bent.  Light A Fire.





12 responses to “Light A Fire – HB 3.0”

  1. VERY nice job!

  2. Love the new site! Thanks so much for all your hard work…I love your recipes!

  3. megan keatley

    thanks so much y’all!

  4. The site upgrade is very nice. One comment though: the font is very light and can be difficult to read on laptops with out a good screen angle and on smartphones.

    1. thanks for the feedback chris. i’ve put up a mobile site. hope that helps w/ the phone problem.

  5. I love the new site! I can’t wait for new T-shirts! I’ve tried a lot of different paleo sites and always come back to you. Thanks so much for helping to make the paleo lifestyle so delicious and easy!

    1. you’ve been seeing other paleo sites!??! i feel so betrayed! jjjjkkkkkkkkkk! so glad you enjoy our recipes & as always, we appreciate the kind words bridget!

  6. Much gratitude to you both for providing your fabulous recipes for all of us to enjoy!
    I so appreciate your commitment to providing us with great recipes that you’ve tested beforehand and know are a home run!
    I have recommended your website to many people I know who are also eating primal, and they love your recipes as well!
    Please keep up the great work…we are all indebted to you!

    1. you are too kind barbie. many thanks!

  7. Hi hi~ I was just curious what your mantra is about, light the fire- you may have answered this somewhere else on here, just found your site and i’m loving your recipes. Thanks for caring enough to create this site!!

    1. it takes fire to eat the way we believe in.

      figureatively, the fire is the motivation and passion it takes to eat whole/fresh foods because you have to prepare them and clean up all the mess day after day.

      and it’s there to keep you moving…as in the idiom “light a fire under your ass”.

      more literally you need fire to cook and enjoy foods to their fullest extent. and taming it is resoundingly human…so it speaks to our heritage and this whole “paleo” idea.

      moreover, it’s something that can spread and catch on. and we hope it does.

      1. and – it conveniently fits with being “health-bent”.

        hell-bent, fire, cooking, health, not backing down = Health-Bent, Light a Fire

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